First of its kind, the Confessions of an Ex-Mormon Recovery Journal provides a constructive outlet for those in the process of leaving Mormonism by allowing you to record your experiences and feelings as you make the transition to a non-LDS worldview. Journaling can be beneficial as you deal with challenges and plan for the future.
Finally, a self-help journal for former or soon-to-be former Mormons! Designed for those who decide to leave the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. The Confessions of an Ex-Mormon Recovery Journal will help you sort through the difficulties associated with discovering that Mormonism is not what you believed it to be.
Filled with open-ended questions about your experiences as a member of the church, your journey in leaving, and how it affected your relationships and life, this journal provides plenty of writing space to document events, record emotions, and even plan for your future as an ex-Mormon. Although the journal is part of the From Kolob to Calvary series, it was written with the assumption that you have not yet come to any specific conclusion regarding religion in general and is suited for theists and non-theists alike.