Buy direct (click here!) A luminous and instructive guide on how to avoid the six most common mistakes made by disaffected members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Insensitivity, tactlessness, and anger often result in ex-Mormons alienating themselves from family and friends. This book offers sound advice from a Christian perspective on healing damaged relationships, and how to overcome the sense of loss and purposelessness that hinders former Mormons from moving ahead.
Confessions of an Ex-Mormon: What I Wish I Knew When I Left the Church, is a helpful guide for those leaving Mormonism who still believe Jesus is “the Way, the Truth, and the Life.” Using her own experiences from leaving the LDS Church, the author addresses the five most common mistakes disaffected members make that lead to broken relationships, misunderstandings, and rejection. With humor and empathy, the book offers readers practical suggestions on how to navigate out of Mormonism with as few problems as possible. This is the first book in the series “From Kolob to Calvary.” Future books will address the concerns and questions new ex-Mormon Christians frequently have.