Just what you need to keep track of your kefir ferments!
This kefir log is great for keeping track of your batches of homemade kefir. Keep notes on ingredients, flavor, start and stop dates, and your successes.
About the Book
This journal-style logbook is designed for keeping notes on your forays into fermenting. Does the idea of fermenting your own farm-fresh foods and beverages excite you? Are you thrilled at the thought of creating beneficial bacteria and enzymes that promote probiotic growth in your gut? If adding nutrient-dense nourishment to your diet is your “cup of kefir,” The Fervent Fermenter Series is just what you need to keep a record of your batches, cultures, and concoctions so you can make a good thing great! Enough fill-in-the-blank and note-taking pages for 50 batches of kefir.My Kefir Log
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