Set reading goals and keep track of all the non-fiction books you read!
Do you have an endless stack of "To Be Read" books that you can't keep up with? Make a list of up to 24 non-fiction books (or audiobooks) you would love to read, set a reading goal, and keep track of your progress.
Do you have an endless stack of “To Be Read” books that you can’t keep up with? You love to read, but it seems you often find yourself too busy, too tired, too distracted, or too disorganized. With this reading journal you can toss your excuses outside with the dust off your book shelves. Make a list of up to 24 non-fiction books (or audiobooks) you would love to read, set a reading goal, and keep track of your progress. Write down your thoughts about each book you read. What did you like? Not Like? What were your take-aways? Did you learn something new? Featuring four pages of stimulating fill-in-the-blanks for every book on your list. Celebrate when you finish, and then grab the next stack of books!N