Series of log books designed to keep track of your concoctions, batches, brews, and ingredients when making kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi, and kombucha at home.
My Kombucha Log
This Kombuch log is great for keeping track of your batches of homemade kombucha. Keep notes on ingredients, flavor, start and stop dates, and your successes.
More info →My Kefir Log
This kefir log is great for keeping track of your batches of homemade kefir. Keep notes on ingredients, flavor, start and stop dates, and your successes.
More info →My Kimchi Log
The Fervent Fermenter Series is just what you need to keep a record of your batches, brews, cultures, and concoctions so you can make a good thing great! Enough fill-in-the-blank and note-taking pages for 50 batches of kimchi.
More info →My Sauerkraut Log
This sauerkraut log is great for keeping track of your batches of homemade sauerkraut. Keep notes on ingredients, flavor, start and stop dates, and your successes.
More info →My Nutrition Log
This nutrition logbook and tracking journal is just what you need to write down your food goals, record your eating habits, and keep track of your successes for 90-days. An easy way to record your successes and mess-ups so you can change your eating habits one day at a time.
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